我行我素伴奏下载 100首好听的英文歌


有那些好听的女高音演唱的英语歌曲? 好听的女高音演唱的英语歌曲,示例《Because Of You》。《Because Of You》演唱:Kelly Clarkson专辑:《Breakaway》发行时间:2004-11-31歌词:I will not make the same mistakes that you did我不会重犯你的错误I will not let myself我不能放纵自己Cause my heart so much misery因为我的心如此苦痛I will not break the way you did我不会像你一般彻底崩溃You fell so hard你饱受了煎熬I've learned the hard way我已经饱尝痛苦So never let it get that far决不让它越陷越深Because of you因为你I never stray too far from the sidewalk我从来不偏离生活的轨道太远Because of you因为你I learned to play on the我学会了呆在safe side so I don 't get hurt安全的一面以免受到伤害Because of you因为你I find it hard to trust我发现很难相信自己not only me but everyone around me和周围的每一个人Because of you因为你I am afraid我感到害怕I lose my way我迷失了方向And it's not too long不会太久before you point it out在你为我指明道路之前I cannot cry我不能哭泣Because you know that's weakness 。

帮忙找一下100首全球最好听的英文歌打包下载地址 群星-《最伟大的100首英文歌曲》[MP3]http://www.verycd.com/(上这里把以上专辑名称复制粘上,即可找到)

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