看得最远的地方和你手舞足蹈聊梦想 歌曲看得最远的地方 表达的涵义


我想去看的最远的地方和你手舞足蹈聊梦想 怎么用英文表达 I want to go The most distant place I want to go and excitly talk with you about our dream

有哪位高手能翻译这歌词吗?看得最远的地方 A Place Where I Can See the FurthestYou're the first one who found meThe emotionless I am the grieved I getSo when I am unwilling to tremble with tearsYou will hug me in your chest with loveYou understand me than anyone elseYour desire swam in your heart,but never on your faceSo when I fell and broke my wingsYou didn't help me up but stood by me,learning how to endure pain with meSometimes,I feel we are very differentYou can see places that I can't seeAgain,sometimes I feel we are very alikeWe both raise our heads,not listening to the words of fateI'm going to the place where I can see the furthestDancing and talking about dreams with you thereLike we've never been disappointed nor hurtLike we still believe that as long we dare to fly then there'll be skyI'm going to the place where can see the furthestAnd put the first golden sunlight on my shouldersI was splashed by the coolest raindrops and snowflakesBut I must keep smiling and be warm as 。

歌曲看得最远的地方 表达的涵义 可以表达很多意思,歌词里的“你”没有指定对象,因此可以是恋人,可以是亲人,也可以是代表一个群体,一个概念每个人的心都是一只船,只要他们行驶在路上,面对着风雨和暗礁,都会有共鸣,而我觉得最多的就是那些迷茫的需要鼓舞的青少年,他们需要有人给他们勇气,去看最远的地方关于我爱你,这首歌并不像是爱某个人,这个爱的对象似乎是生活像歌里唱的一样,你拥抱的并不都拥抱你这是一种无奈的人生态度表达对某些遇到挫折特别是爱情挫折的人来说这首歌能说出他们的心声


