请求离散数学高手给予解答! 将语句我们下午2点或者


翻译下列句子我们下午两点半上课 We have classes at 2:30 in the afternoon翻译命题公式两题 the main task of student is study2.we watch movies in the assembly hall or read books in the classroom on 2 pm今天下午二点一起玩的英文句子是什么? 今天下午二点一起玩。We will play together at two o'clock this afternoon.七年级上册英语翻译句子﹕ 1.家长会通常是下午两点开始。 (1)Parents areusually theafternoon two.(2)Parentsto visit our school open day and listen to our two classes.(3)Let's halfpast one pm meetat the schoolgate.(4)Thank youfor leadingme to visityour schoollibrary.(5)In theground floor there is an art classrooms and two computer rooms.(6)Men's white shirt looks very stylish.(7)In frontof theplayground has ateaching building it?(8)Where would you opening?(9)From home to school a long way.(10)She spent 15 minutes ride to school every morning.(11)They do homework every day how long it takes?(12)This clothing store open every day for how long?It is open 8 am,17:00 closed.(13)She wantedto borrowa variety of books from the school library.(14)This isour time todo morningexercises.(15)Some people just do not know how to have fun.(16)Your father never met late?(17)We are availableMonday toFriday 8:15class begins.将语句“41次列车下午五点或者六点开”翻译成命题公式, 命题P:41次列车下午5点开;命题Q:41次列车下午6点开;P或Q.1、学生的主要任务是学习 2、我们下午两点或者去礼堂看电影或者去教室看书. 翻译成命题公式,谢 如果一个人是学生,那么他的主要任务是学习。我们下午2点如果不去礼堂看电影,那么就去教室看书。怎样用英语表示“在明天下午2点以后”这个句子 After two o'clock tomorrow afternoon。离散数学逻辑公式题,求解 P:我们下午2点去礼堂看电影Q:我们下午2点去教室看书P∨Q不过题目的意思,有可能是这样理解:如果下午2点到了,我们去礼堂看电影或者去教室看书这样理解的话:R:现在是下午2点P:我们去礼堂看电影Q:我们去教室看书R→(P∨Q)

