Credit是什么意思? credit外汇名词


急。商务英语中的名词解释(用英语解释哦) 1.offer 2.credit inquiry An offer is a proposal of terms and conditions presented in a potential contract by one party,called the offeror,to another party,called the offeree.出价,报盘credit inquiry is made by traders requesti.

Credit是什么意思? debit debit n.名词 1.【会计】借方 vt.及物动词 1.把.记入借方 credit n.名词 1.赊帐,赊欠 He bought the furniture on credit.他赊帐买了这家俱。2.(经济上的)信誉.Our 。

credit,名词 credit 英['kred?t]美[?kr?d?t]n.信誉,信用;[金融]贷款;荣誉;学分vt.相信,信任;归功于;[会]记入贷方;赞颂复数:credits 过去式:credited 过去分词:credited 现在分词:crediting 第三人称单数:creditsThe group can't get credit to buy farming machinery.这些人无法赊购到农用机械.You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.无论是付现还是赊购,都可以要求经销商打折.The idea that I could be charged when I'm in credit makes me very angry.想到账户里有余额时还要收费,我就非常气愤.The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance.总借记和总贷记的结算即账户余额.We don't mind who gets the credit so long as we don't get the blame.谁受到表扬无所谓,只要我们不挨批就好.动词的用法简单介绍下:The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe's life.职员们称赞他救了海丝的命.The 74-year-old mayor is credited with helping make Los Angeles the financial capital of the West Coast.洛杉矶成为西海岸的金融中心,那位74岁的市长功不可没.The screenplay for '。


