用英语写这样一篇作文,下周未我打算与父母开车去旅行,请写一下旅游记划. My parents self born nine month stay in Beijing until now although have up to 20 years in Beijing city life but to accompany them only every work day and night,from no where in the real leisure time died on tourism.So next week I'm going to take them to travel and see the world out there.I chose to take my parents to go abroad for the first time,the choice of which is a little bit closer to Japan and South Korea,cultural habits are also relatively easy to adapt to the local.From time to read,parents should avoid as far as possible in the tourist season to travel,and in 4 to 6 months and 9 to 10 months,because this period whether North and south,weather is relatively comfortable.It is not easy to stimulate the sick parents.From the trip,it is best not to choose the road too far,too many scenic spots in the itinerary,night to rest as much as possible and do not get too excited.Can be arranged during the exchange of interest,health seminars,etc.Take parents to travel must be 。“下周你打算去哪里旅游”英语怎么说?? Where are you going to have a tour next week?我计划下周去旅行用英语怎么说 我计划下周去旅行I plan to go on a trip next week我们下周将要去旅行英文 我们下周将要去旅行We're going on a trip next week.我们下周将要去旅行We're going on a trip next week.假如对你有帮助,觉得我回答得好的话,请采纳谢谢!下周我打算和家人出去旅行的英语 I am going to go out to travel with my family next week.祝学习进步!我们确定了下周的旅游计划.英文翻译 We have made the decision for the next week\"s tour.我们在为下周的旅游制定计划 英文翻译(三种形式) We are drawing up a plan for the journey of next week.A plan for the journey of next week is being drawn up by us.We are planning for the journey of next week.\ I'm preparing the things that I will take to the trip next week.
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