国庆节你过得开心吗?请把高兴的事用英语写下来与大家分享. 就写国庆开心的事. October 1st is the National Day of the People ' Republic of China,our country.I love our country and I'm so pround of I am Chinese.On the National Day,I went out with my mother and saw there were a lot of national flags in front of many shops.I was so happy to see that because that shows the Chinese people 's love for China.There were also a military parade(阅兵式)in the Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on that day.I saw it on TV and I was so excited.I hope our country will be stronger and stronger.那个国庆节我过的很开心 用英语怎么写 I had a good time on that National Day.国庆节你过得开心吗?请把高兴的事用英语写下来与大家分享。 就写国庆开心的事。.. October 1st is the National Day of the People ' Republic of China,our country.I love our country and I'm so pround of I am Chinese.On the National Day,I went out with my mother and saw there were a lot of national flags in front of many shops.I was so happy to see that because that shows the Chinese people 's love for China.There were also a military parade(阅兵式)in the Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on that day.I saw it on TV and I was so excited.I hope our country will be stronger and stronger.
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