黄河水电职业学院的学哥学姐帮忙下 sun水准仪


On的用法和意思 【on】的2113意思与用法1.PREP(表示支承)在5261…上 If someone or something is on a surface or object,the surface or object is immediately below them and is supporting their weight.He is sitting beside her on the sofa.他挨着她坐在沙发4102上。On top of the cupboards are vast straw baskets which Pat uses for dried flower arrangements.橱柜顶上摆着帕特用1653来插干花的大草篮。On the table were dishes piled high with sweets.桌上放着堆满了糖果的碟子。2.PREP(表示粘贴或附着)在…上 If something is on a surface or object,it is stuck to it or attached to it.I admired the peeling paint on the ceiling.我“观赏”着天花板上正在剥落的油漆。The clock on the wall showed one minute to twelve.墙上的钟指向11点59分。There was a smear of gravy on his chin.他下巴上沾了些肉汁。On is also an adverb.I know how to darn,and how to sew a button on.我会打补丁,缝纽扣。3.PREP(放、扔或掉)在…上面 If you put,throw,or drop something on a surface,you move it or drop it so that it is then supported by。

国产水准仪多少钱一台? 差的 天津系列的 DS32类型的 600元左右一台好的苏州一光的DSZ2 2000元一台高精度的苏光的DS05 6000多一台~

天津赛实光电仪器有限公司招聘信息,天津赛实光电仪器有限公司怎么样? 钉钉企典数据来源于企业征信机构,包含企业风险数据,公司官网,公司简介,更多公司招聘信息详询公司官网,更多公司电话地址企业邮箱可在钉钉企典进行查询公司简介:天津赛实光电仪器有限公司成立于Sun Jan 29 00:00:00 CST 2012,注册资本100.00万人民币元,法定代表人是江明君,公司地址是北辰区青光镇铁锅店村104国道子牙河桥头,统一社会信用代码与税号是9112011358975789XF,行业是光学仪器制造,登记机关是天津市工商行政管理局北辰分局,经营业务范围是自动安平水准仪(DS系列32X及以下)制造、销售;计量器具及配件销售。(以上经营范围涉及行业许可的凭许可证件,在有效期限内经营,国家有专项专营规定的按规定办理。天津赛实光电仪器有限公司工商注册号是120113000127942分支机构:对外投资:股东:高管人员:


