并不在乎的三个词的词组英语 记单词最好的方法是什么?英语永远是硬伤?


英语翻译 Although I don't speak fluently,I do try my best to express my real feelings.So please excuse me for any spelling and grammar mistakes that I make.I just wanna tell you that I enjoy talking to you than you expect,because you are my frist friend from another country.I enjoy talking to friends of mine because they make me really happy,talking to my friends can also solve my problems=)There are two sides in me,I can get extremely happy but I can also be really quiet and reserved,I really dont fully understand myself.I love to eat all kinds of food,I have a dream to get a taste of all kinds of delicious food from all over the world.If I get a chance,I'd definitely go and visit your country。LOL。希望这个能帮助你哈^完全自己翻的

记单词最好的方法是什么?英语永远是硬伤? 感觉又到了拨乱反正的时候了,我们从小学单词的方法就没对过。正确的单词学习是逻辑的,而英语单词也是有…

对……在意的英文单词组怎么说 对…在意care aboutbe concerned about

