两句话求翻译下英文,语句要通顺,谢谢。 About all the tools and products,we have a negotiation before.To obtain the better competitive price,MUST to follow the the packing quality standard of 2A.According to your new requirement,if you need to change the standard to 1S,the factory will have to compute the price of all products again.We predict the price of per product will increase about 20%.我中间给您加了个MUST,不知道可不可以,我觉得您的意思就是想要求对方执行2A标准,就用MUST强调了一下.在大家进行讨论之前,我认为咱们有必要相互认识一下(用英语怎么说?) It is necessary to know each other before we start our discussion.英语翻译 There are still cross stripes(or zebra-stripes)problems on the product surface from some angles view,even though this is emphaised before.This batch is not totally improved,and even serious problem trend appeared.According to discussion with Mr.A this morning,this batch will be accepted,but you have to take correction actions immediately,next time we will refuse same problem products.Please take it serious,thanks.英语翻译 According to our early talk,we sent you the Check and Contract together early ago,it should't be our responsibility to pay late charge for your late receiving.请教英语大神们帮忙翻印一句英文,“我们正在讨论中,明天之前给告诉你结果” 我们正在讨论中,明天之前给告诉你结果We're discussing now and will tell you the result before tomorrow.好问好纳,再问不难】PS:为什么那么多人求助后不处理提问呢
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