英语翻译 1.I'm going to go to the drug store and buy some medicine2.We don't have lots of tomatoes 3.He has no money4.This morning I drank a cup of coffee5.They do not eat potatoes and tomatoes6.They are plann.英语翻译 buy three and present oneBuy three,get one freeBuy three and get anyone free翻译:我要去药店还你奶奶买药。用英语 我打算去药店买些药的翻译是:I'm going to the drugstore to buy some medicine英语翻译 1家里一点药都没有了,我们必须去药店买一些There is no medicine left at home,so we must buy some at the chemist's.2冰箱里有很多牛奶,但是没有多少梨了There is a lot of milk but few pears in the fridge.需要药店买药的日常英语口语 ``急 I want some medicine.(我想买些药)How much are they?(多少钱?how often should I take them?(我应该多就吃一次药?日常英语:最近的药店在哪里日常英语:最近的。英语翻译 Translation:This afternoon after school,I want to go home to take care of her mother,because my father on a business trip,my mother and sick in bed,so for me to care.I came home to help her to the pharmacy to buy medicine,cooking,laundry and so on.Finally,my mother recovered,her mother and father have praised me.I discovered that to take care of people is not an easy thing.
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