英语翻译 与我们所讨论的内容无关英语翻译


英语翻译 人工翻译We discussed the definition and activitiesof the Olympic,as well as the significance of the Olympic Today,and countries have made Olympic Games,there are and countries are.英语翻译 通知注意,大家请注意.下面有一则通知:11月30日星期五下午2点,在公司办公大楼会议厅,开展一个会议,会议内容是讨论能源规划.需出席人员有各部门的负责人和部分工人代表.每人需要准备一份建议书,并在会上发言,对公司的能源规划和前景发展提出个人的意见或建议.请谨记.通知完毕.NoticeNote that you please pay attention to.There is a notice of the following:Nov.30 Friday 2:00 p.m.,in the office building's conference room,to carry out a meeting,the meeting is to discuss energy planning.Participants were required to have the various departments responsible for some of the people and on behalf of the workers.Each person needs to prepare a proposal at the meeting and speak on the company's energy planning and development prospects of individual comments or suggestions.Please bear in mind.Been notified.英语翻译 谢谢朋友们.翻译成thank you for my family,thank you for all my friends.成吗?不成,thank you是谢谢你thanks to my family and thanks to all my friends.请告诉我你将要和我们讨论的计划内容,我可以先准备好.could you tell me the plan you want to discuss with us?Then I can prepare for it.英语翻译 新事物的成长总要经历困难.New things are bound to meet with difficulties in their development.你的建议与正在讨论的问题无关.Y英语翻译 at first we will have a group discussion to fix the topic and content of our group project,then the英语翻译 有关合同(contract),有如下问题需要讨论:We have following questions need to be discussed as regard to the contract:1.我们与其他客户已签订的订单及目前正在联系的订单如何处理?How to proceed the orders which we have signed with other clients and the undergoing orders?2.你方能承诺在指定年限内的销售数量吗?Could you promise the sales quantity in the designated period?如确实需要签订保密合同,那么必须处理好我方已经签订和正在商谈的客户.If you do need us to sign the confidencial contract,then we have to deal well with our contracted and undergoing clients.但我们不会把你们改样后的产品推荐给其他客户But we will not recommend the products which you have revised to other clients.英语翻译 英语翻译 at first we will have a group discussion to fix the topic and content of our group project,then the tasks will be assigned according to each person's specialty to promote efficiency,as everyone has hi.这和我们所讨论的问题没有关系。这句话怎么翻译诚英文? 嗯,还是帮你一把吧~!【人工翻译】It's unrelevant to the topic(that)we are discussing nowO(∩_∩)O哈哈~,记得采纳哟~!


