世界上没有不透风的墙 这句话什么意思? 意思是2113:世上没有瞒得住的事,指再机密的5261事也会泄漏出4102去,比喻没有永不泄露的机1653密。出自清代晚期·佚名《刘公案》七一回:“欲话说:‘世上没有不透风的墙。如今果然露了馅,看来万岁已明真情。白话释义:“世上哪有不透风的墙呢?就在王振进宫奏请皇帝御驾亲征的第二天,也先兴兵南犯和皇帝准备下诏亲征的消息,就由宫中太监泄漏出去了。扩展资料:相近俗语:“若要人不知,除非己莫为”。读音:ruò yào rén bù zhī,chú fēi jǐ mò wéi。释义:要想别人不知道自己做的事情,除非自己不去做。指干了坏事终究要暴露。出自:汉代枚乘的《上书谏吴王》:“欲人勿闻,莫若勿言;欲人勿知,莫若勿为。白话释义:想要让别人听不到自己说的话不如自己保持沉默不说一句话,想要让别人不知道自己的事情不如干脆不去做。这句话常常被用来教育他人要时时刻刻保持谨言慎行的习惯,一旦自己没有管住自己的嘴就很容易给他人留下把柄。也常用来跟世上没有不透风的墙一起用。
没有墙的世界的英文插曲 Sick Puppies的《All The Same》补充歌词:All The SameI dont mind where you come fromAs long as you come to meBut I dont like illusions I cant seeThem clearlyI dont care,no I wouldn't dareTo fix the twist in youYou've shown me eventually what you'll doI dont mindI dont careAs long as you're here[Chorus]Go ahead and tell me you'll leave againYou'll just come back runningHolding your scarred heart in handIt's all the sameAnd I'll take you for who you areIf you take me for everythingAnd do it all over againIt's all the sameHours slide and days go byTill you decide to comeBut in-between it always seems too longSuddenlyBut I have the skill,yeahI have the will,to breath you in while I canHowever long you stay is all that I amI dont mind,I dont careAs long as you're hereGo ahead and tell me you'll leave againYou'll just come back runningHolding your scarred heart in handIt's all the sameAnd I'll take you for who you areIf you take me for everything。