我肯定健康 医生请问我朋友对我说我如果和一万个健康的异性性交过那么我肯定会


1.我肯定吸烟有害健康。(肯定: be sure that ) 1.I am sure smoking harmful to health.2.You go fast enough,he can not keep up3.Tom waiting for his turn to play that new computer games.4.Every day to find information online,he spent 1 hour.5.He was inviting him to attend his best friend's birthday party.6.She was this moment there is not enough money to buy ice cream Lynn because she had just paid 10 yuan to buy comic books.7.Refrigerator food is not enough because too many people.8.He can always find some interesting weekend,things to do.9.The little girl likes to lead guests to visit her new house with a swimming pool.10.Teacher to all students like her to buy a dictionary.医生请问我朋友对我说我如果和一万个健康的异性性交过那么我肯定会 回复:在吗?回复:在吗?追问:在回复:这个我觉得纯属是胡说回复:你觉得有这种可能性吗?追问:不可能回复:那请给我个正确的肯定的答案 病情分析:1、风疹病毒IgG抗体和巨细胞病毒IgG抗体说明你曾经感染过这种病原体或注射过疫苗,现在已经产生保护性的抗体,对胎儿发育没有影响,可以怀孕。若IgM为阳性,说明。希望给我一个肯定的答案! 病情分析:你好,艾滋病的传播途径只有性、血液和母婴传播三种途径,不会通过日常的生活接触感染的。指导意见:你好,根据你的描述,你的这些情况属于日常的生活接触,所以。希望给我一个肯定的回答. 您好,一般月经推迟一周后有可能怀孕,早孕试纸测试用晨尿,但是喝水后2小时也是不会受影响。您好,建议您去正规医院就诊,做b超检查,如果没有怀孕,及时就诊妇科,对症。您好我很肯定我心理特别不健康但就 心理指导:你好。根据你提供的信息,你总是产生不幸的联想,无法控制自己,你可能有强迫思维的症状。强迫思维属于强迫症的表现。患病原因跟你自卑敏感,缺乏安全感,认知方式比较。老公老是说我肯定神经了 可能是你老公把的关心当时麻烦了,这样好办,以后你没事就别唠叨他了,也别整天催他回家了,他爱干什么去随便,你别管他就好了,可以是你管的他太言了,让他有了很多压力。

