我微信脑洞大挑战游戏40关乌鸦怎样才能喝到水? 脑洞大挑战游戏40关聪明的乌鸦怎么才能喝到水?提示:把乌鸦拖到下方的水潭里。
乌鸦是怎么喝到瓶子里的水的一只乌鸦口渴了,到处找水喝。乌鸦看见一个瓶子。瓶子里有水,可是瓶子很高,瓶口很小,里边的水又少,它喝不着水。怎么办呢?乌鸦看见旁边有许多小石子,它想了一想,有办法了!乌鸦把小石子一个一个地衔起来,放到瓶子里。瓶子里的水慢慢升高,乌鸦就喝着水了。乌鸦喝水在一块大石头附近有一个瓶子,瓶子里有一些水。一只乌鸦又热又渴,飞到瓶子上站着。但他喝不到水,因为瓶颈很长。乌鸦想了想,然后飞走了。过了一会儿,他叼着一块小石子回来了。他把头伸到瓶子口上,然后把石子扔到瓶子里。瓶子里的水涨到了瓶颈,他终于喝到了水,他非常开心。A Crow Drinking WaterNear a big rock,there is a bottle.Some water is in the bottle.A crow is hot and thirsty.He comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle.But he can’t drink the water.Because the bottle’s neck is very long.He thinks and thinks,then flies away.After a while,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle.The water in the bottle comes up to its neck,the crow drinks。
乌鸦要怎么样才能喝到瓶子里的水? 把瓶子里的水倒进盘子里