目标跟踪与数据融合 目标跟踪都有那些算法


翻译,谢谢 目标跟踪性能好跟踪可靠性高,一般不会出现雷达跟踪的“误、漏、丢、混”等问题。Excellent target tracking performanceHighly reliable tracking performance,without the shortcomings of radar tracking such as the mistaking,omission,loss and confusion of targets.可消除某些雷达遮挡区与雷达数据融合改善跟踪性能可发挥AIS与雷达的各自长处,改善V对目标的探测和跟踪性能,增加系统冗余。Elimination of certain shutout field of radar and the fusion of radar data help to improve the tracking performanceThis can bring out the respective advantages of AIS and radar;improve the target detection and tracking performance of the V system,and increase system redundancy.

多目标跟踪的发展现状如何,与单目标跟踪有什么区别和联系? 多目标跟踪看起来更像Pedestrian detection和Re-identification问题的组合?多目标跟踪算法的发展现状如…

请翻译,谢谢 怎么3同出一辙?接入多传感器综合处理器多一种目标跟踪手段;与雷达数据融合,在交通显示器上实现同屏显示与跟踪。Multi-sensor integrated processor accessAn extra way of tracking targets;with radar data fusion,it can achieve display and tracking on the same traffic control screen.接入船舶数据库多一种船舶静态数据和航次相关数据等信息来源。Vessel database accessAdditional information sources such as static data of vessels and relevant data on voyages.接入多媒体记录器与雷达、VHF等信息同步记录。Multimedia recorder accessSynchronous information recording with radar and VHF.与CCTV相连可实现CCTV与AIS(雷达)目标联动。Connection with CCTVCan achieve CCTV target linkage with AIS(radar).


