世界人民想要和平英文翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 为你提供正确、高水平的译文.期待加分,10分偏低了.What people aspire for is a stable life and a peaceful world.The world does not want war.Everything is build on strong nations and their rich peoples.With the untold sufferings it brings,war is a revelation of the greedy and evil side of mankind and is intended for temporary peace.In our society today,the resort to brutal force in war is already futile;efforts should be devoted to developing science and technology as an engine for economic growth.

全世界的人民都爱好和平 嘿嘿 太简单啦~all over

英语翻译 They have mutual benefit in maintaining peace of the World in spite of some displicts.Tourism is also an important way of cultural communication among the people from different countries in addition t.


