英语翻译经销商原计划把这台865H卖给一个潜在客户,但因为这个客户出价太低,最终还是没有谈成这笔生意. 客户给的目标价格太低 英文翻译


英语翻译 我们非常理解你现在的心情,首先就此给你引起的不便致歉.We completely understand your current feeling and we would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused for you.9月28号收到你的付款.你的包裹是在9月29号通过航空包裹寄出.此航空包裹是没有tracking number的.所以无法向你提供tracking number.真是对不起.Your payment was received on 28 Sep.Your parcel was sent out by air on 29 Sep.But since the air freight has no tracking number,we can not provide the tracking number to you.Sorry for this problem.我们建议您查看我们的航运条件的项目说明,国际航运,这比国内通常需要更长的时间,因为它在航运服务供应商和两国海关为基础.We will appreciate if you can check the air shipment regulation in China.It is known that international air shipment will take longer than internal shipment because of the different service suppliers and customs clearance.目的地为德国的包裹需要的运送时间,根据我们以往的经验,正常情况需要14-21个工作日(不计算星期六及星期日)才能送达.According to our experience in the past,it will take 。

英语翻译 经过仔细核算,我们最终能offer 你的价格为 22USD.很抱歉,我们财务经理不能接受你所说的20USD for 2L.虽然对方的价格比我们低,但我们也不能为了争夺市场而大幅度降价.特别是现在国内成本不断上升,我们很难再给你个lo.

英语翻译 China's retail industry with the development of the market and open competition,the profit space and low,and the customer on time efficiency and space efficiency of the increasingly high demand.To remain invincible in the competition and to meet customer demand,retail executives began to look and act to is called the third profit source,logistics,many companies to enhance market competitiveness,will mainly focus on their advantage projects,and the logistics outsourcing to the third party logistics,in order to achieve the complementary resources.This paper outlines the implementation of logistics outsourcing theory basic situation of outsourcing in China retail logistics and third party logistics advantages and risks and preventive measures for further discussionKeywords:retail,third party logistics,logistics outsourcing

#客户给的目标价格太低 英文翻译#可以给自己定一个目标英文翻译

