水东湾第一滩旅游度假区怎么样 水东湾旅游


英语翻译 The tiger head the mountain seashore tour niche in give or get an electric shock a white county south china sea peninsula,cover area 3.73 square kilometers.Face to south china sea gulf,carry on the back to depend the water east economy development area,is close together with the water east harbor,is about 6 kilometers apart from the county city.It is the importance that the tremendous 毓 show,landscape charming water east gulf province class tour spends a holiday area to constitute part.There is the ideal natural seashore bath field here,the sea beach continues long one 2 kilometers,the sand quality is pure,spacious even slow;The sea water is pure,having no reef to have no shark,safe condition good,the sea form temperature is high,whole years the feat sea bath time on than 280 dayses,the vegetable has beautiful\"southern Beidaihe\"to call.South china sea two bright pearl tiger head mountains and yan mirror mountain of its strand tower aloft area inside,since is the charming view 。

茂名旅游景点有几多啊?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 茂名的景点主要有:茂名市历史悠久,古迹很多。省级文物保护单位有高州县宝光塔,高州县长坡电白旧城遗址、信宜县镇隆文明门、电白庄山、化州石龙郡旧址、高州县南学舍(广东省农民协会南路办事处旧址)、高州益寿庵(香港学生赈济会青年回乡服务团团部旧址)等。还有信宜凌十八故居、电白冼夫人墓等。名胜有信宜县虎跳、西江温泉、半月奇观、大田顶、高州县观山寺群、南宫庵群、高州水库、电白县热水温泉、放鸡岛、龙头山海湾乐园、虎头山,化州县琉璃井等。茂名电白小良人工水土保持站还是当今世界最为独特的生态环境自然保护区;茂名放鸡岛水下能见度为八米,被世界潜水旅游专家评定为居世界第二位的海水潜水点。以20多公里迂回曲折的海岸线和“绿色长城”—防风林带为背景的水东湾省级旅游度假区(含第一滩、虎头山、龙头山三个海滨景区),素有“南方北戴河”之称;信宜市镇隆古城有国内颇为罕见的古书院群落,是人们考究岭南教育文化发展史的好去处。化州中火嶂旅游区是人们回归大自然,体验粤西民俗风情、南国名山、探究仙境和岭南俗文化的圣地。目前,这些旅游资源经过开发,已经形成了茂名旅游的“古、俗、生态与探险”四大系列的旅游景点,成为粤西旅游新的热点景区。

你好,请问水东湾门票钱多少? 嘟嘟鱼82 发表于2017-09-09 08:09:08 水东湾不要门票的。水东湾中国第一滩度假区现已形成了海滨浴场区、海上运动区、海滨度假区和中心广场区四个功能区,开发了海水浴、。


