初三英语作文:三年的初中生活即将结束,崭新的高中生活即将到来.回顾过去,你一定有许多…… 我对高中生活的展望英语短文


英语作文对高中生活的憧憬80词 High school,it is actually a very memorable part of life stage.In high school,there are also bitter joy.Substantial high school life although some boring,but when we walked through this stage aftertaste again,or feel very meaningful.I am now quickly graduated from college,but in my heart,I still feel that high school life is really have a lot of fun.Even with a little study on the hard,in fact also is negligible.

初三英语作文:三年的初中生活即将结束,崭新的高中生活即将到来.回顾过去,你一定有许多…… Unforgettable MemoriesI am a student in a junior school,and will graduate in a month.Thinking back on the past three years,I have many unforgettable memories,and I have learned that if I want t.

对大学生活的计划英文短文? My Plan for University Lifeafter three's years busy learning life in senior high school,finally i have been a new one of college students and now i najor in mechanical design and manufacturing that i would like to study,the three years in college school is the most important time in all life,it 's the key to future,so i think it's necessary to plan ahead firstly,making good use of three years in school,i would like to make my all kinds of ability and hobbies develope to full,i like reading,writing,basketball,especially studing investing in stocks,these interests will help me into a colourful life.second,i will study hard in my every major and widen my horizon and expand my knowledge to shoulder the responsibilit of building my country,last but not least,i will improve my communicative ability and interpersonal relationship,because after graduation,i'm ready to start my new business,so i have to develop this ability,in short,i will try my best to spend a wonderful time in 。


