“你在干什么”用英文怎么翻译,谢谢。 你知道她那时候正在干什么吗用英语怎么说


你周末干什么英语怎么说 what do you usually do on weekends?重点词汇weekend英[wi?k??nd]美[?wikend]n.周末,周末休假;周末聚会adj.周末的,周末用的vi.度周末短语Weekend Night 周末夜;周末晚上;周末之夜;在周末晚上Weekend Effect 周末效应;周末效果Busy weekend 忙碌的周末Weekend Classics 周休系列;周末杰作扩展资料weekend的用法weekend的意思是“周末”,指星期六、星期日两整天,有时也可包括从星期五下班以后一直到星期一上班之前的这段时间。1、用作名词(n.)How was your weekend?你周末过得怎么样?2、用作不及物动词(vi.)I weekend with the Whites at their home.我在怀特家里与他们一家人共度周末。3、用作形容词(adj.)There are and weekend couples in the cities.城市里的周末夫妻越来越多。

“你在干什么”用英文怎么翻译,谢谢。 你在干什么的英语翻2113译:what are you doing?扩展5261资料4102短语:What course are you doing 你学什么专业1653what fuck are you doing 正在翻译what what are you doing 精品备课资料包so what are you doing 你做什么呢What are you doing summer 暑假你在做什么Ask what are you doing 问你在忙什么呢What are you doing baby 宝宝你在干什么What are you doing Saturday 星期六你做什么What are you doing beauties 翻译公司在干什么造句:1、What are you doing?How can you see?你在干什么,你怎么能看得见?2、What are you doing now?这会儿你在干什么?3、Nelson:Hey,hey,what are you doing?尼尔森:嘿,嘿,你在干什么?4、Ann,what are you doing?安,你在干什么呢?5、What are you doing Louise?路易斯,你在干什么?6、What are you doing?She is your teacher.Close your bedroom eyes.你在干什么?她可是你的老师,别色迷迷地盯着她。

你知道她从事什么工作吗用英语怎么说 Do you know what his job is?


