学校决定开展一次植树活动,以学生会的名义用英语写一份通知 学校关于植树活动的通知


初三英语作文 All students of grade3:There is going to be a tree planting in our school.Place:Teaching school in front of the building and around the playground.Time:today after class 2 in the afternoon.Tools:each class must bring 10 shovels,buckets and a number of only six basins.XX Student UnionMarch12,2002

学校决定开展一次植树活动,以学生会的名义用英语写一份通知 通知全体初三学生:本校将在教学楼前及操场四周开展一次植树活动,时间定于今天下午第2节课后。另要求每班各带十把铁锹、六只水桶及若干只脸盆在规定时间到达教学楼前分配任务。望各班积极配合。XX学校学生会2002年3月12日

一则关于打扫活动通知英语作文植树节时学校全校师生展开活动,写意一则打扫活动通知 NOTICEIn order to celebrate the 3.12 Treeplanting Day and protect environment,our school appeals for all the teachers and students to take part in the treeplanting activity.Please gather in group of class at the school gate tomorrow morning,then walk to the hill east of our school with the guidance of each headteacher.It's suggested to wear sports shoes and take iron spades and water breaker with you.Pay attention to safety during the planting.


