\ Together with our efforts.(我记得2113电影《5261ERAGON》里有一4102句台词说得1653好:Together with our efforts,it is our enemy who should be afraid.)
英语翻译 你是那么的努力,无论在任何情况下,你就是你,要追随的人只有你So hard are you working,but whatever happens,you are your own self only,and it is your shadow that follows you.想要常常看到你的笑How I wish to see your smile often than not。无论过去发生了什么事情,未来的路,会一直陪你走下去的Despite what has happened before,I/he/she/we will go with you into the future.
\ Together with our efforts.(我记得电影《ERAGON》里有一句台词说得好:Together with our efforts,it is our enemy who should be afraid.)