关于的英文单词怎么写呀? 关于的英2113文单词:about;on;concerning;with regard to;anenst;例句:关于5261这件事,该说4102的我都说了。1653I have said all there is to be said about it.
这个英语单词怎么写 Merry
收起来英语单词怎么写 不同场合62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333262363034下的“收起来”有不同的英文表达。常见的单词或短语有put away;clear away;tidy away;lay off;collect等,下面是摘自iciba写作句库的例句:1.Put those tools away after you finish the work.活干完之后,把那些工具收起来。2.Clear your toys away now,children.孩子们,现在把玩具都收起来。3.Hand in your exercise-books.把作业本收起来。4.Put up your sword.把你的剑收起来。5.Eat what you want,and put the rest of the food away.你尽量吃,吃剩的就收起来。6.Tidy away your toys when you have finished playing.你玩儿过玩具之后要收起来。7.A storm is coming.Let's get the wheat under cover quickly.要变天啦,快把麦子收起来吧。8.I want to lay off these heavy winter clothes.我想把这些过冬的厚衣服收起来。9.Bring the washing in;it looks like rain.把洗好的衣物收起来;好像要下雨了。10.We will take up the carpet and send it to be cleaned tomorrow.我们决定把地毯收起来以便明天送去洗。11.When the teacher came in,he grabbed the novel off the desk。.