我的家乡山东 新泰 作文 不要全抄的 楼主本来就是要抄的。还不要全抄的。那么你随便找个全抄的改一改不就不是全超的了
我的家乡泰安英文介绍 China TaianThe name Taian is derived from Mount Tai and implies that“The country is prosperous and the people live in peace”.Tai’an is located in the eastern coastal economy belt and the Economic Zone around the Bohai Sea,lying at the intersection of Shandong Peninsula and the hinterland.It extends from 116o02′ to 117o59′ longitudes east and from 35o38′ to 36o28′ latitudes north with 176.6 kilometers in length from east to west and 93.5 kilometers in width from south to north.Tai’an consists of two districts(Taishan District and Daiyue District),two county-level cities(Xintai City and Feicheng City)and two counties(Ningyang County and Dongping County),covering an area of 7,762 square kilometers with a population of 5.5 million people.Tai’an,along with Mount Tai and its beautiful natural scenery,has been honored with“An Excellent Tourist City of China”and“A National Sanitary City”.大体上翻译成中文看看:http://www.hao123.com/ss/fy.htm
我的家乡新泰作文100字 我的家乡在zhidao山东新泰,这里山清水秀,鸟语花香,有清清的青云湖,美丽的青云山,还有树木郁郁葱葱的天然氧吧莲花山。我听爸爸给我讲莲花山原名叫新甫山,因为外形像盛开的莲花,所以后来改名叫莲花山。它不仅是国家级的森林公园,而且还是我们北方地区最大的观音道场。每年都会举行盛大的法会。也是我的家乡著名文物古迹,素有“北方普陀,观音圣境”之称。里面有自然生成的奇石-天成观音,云谷寺,汉武碑亭,观音阁…。每年都会吸引四面八方的游客到回我的家乡观光旅游。我的家乡,四季分明,春天,小河里的冰融化了,燕子从南方飞回来了,为春天增添了许多生机。夏天,家乡很炎热,我们暑假的时候经常会到清音公园的游泳池去游泳,给我的暑假生活带来了许多欢乐。秋天就更美了,水果成熟了,山上都挂满了各种各样的水果,金黄色的田野里农民伯伯开始收割玉米了,各个脸上露出丰收的喜悦。冬天答,虽然天气很冷,但是我们这儿还是很美,下一阵鹅毛大雪,房顶上、树上、地上到处都是雪,大地好象披上了雪白的衣裳,美丽极了我爱我的家乡,欢迎大家经常来作客。