汉中的英文 英语翻译


写一篇介绍汉中的英语作文 think my college life so far it has been fun.I meet a lot of new friends that I never met before at my high school.I love to have and meet new friends each semester.I think it's really fun and exciting things to do.In college,I'm able to organize the scheddule of classes the way I wanted.I can make my own choices of what I learn and how I learn them.I love college,also because it's very convient for me to work and go to college at the same time.My college life is a perfect life that I've always imagine when I was in high school.I get to go and do my own things at anytime I please without having to hear anything my parents said.So I think college life is fun,but college classes are very tough.Since I started going to college,I have had to work part time to help with my tuition.Therefore,I have to scheddule my time and use my time wisely.Working no than 20 hours a week in the college library is not as easy as I thought before.But,I'm able to work out my schedule,so I can work and go。

英语翻译 1 名胜古迹2 beatiful beach3 delicious food翻译:1 How about your trip to Hanzhong?2 What did you see in Xi'an?3 What do you think of the food in Beijing?或:How do you think the food in Beijing?5 How'.

关于汉中的英语作文 My home is Hanzhong,Shaanxi,it beautiful,rich,is a lovely place.There are many beautiful places in Hanzhong,one of which is called South Lake,where there are many trees,the tree's shadow reflected on.


