没有目标产物翻译 请问有没有一款能够翻译一篇文章的翻译



为什么有的人有了目标后可以坚持努力去实现,而大多数人有了目标却不行? 金舒 美国 USA,华盛顿州 Washington,西雅图 Seattle 青少年 中老年 伴侣 家庭 性少数 成人 留学生 在线心理咨询 ?www.jiandanxinli.com 我们是简单心理咨询预约平台,。

英语翻译 1.It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic State policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population.必须需要指出的是,控制人口增长、提高国民素质是我国的一项基本国策。2.It is(has been)estimated that the world's population could reach 6 billion by the end of the century.据估计,世界人口到本世纪末有可能会达到六十亿人。3.It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.必须牢记:努力工作是成功的唯一法则。4.It can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we can overcome.从这里可以看出,世上无难事,只要肯登攀。5.As is known man is the product of labour.众所周知,人是劳动的产物。6.It is a common saying that man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.常言说得好,目标坚定的人肯定成功。7.It is clear that the enemy has no desire for peace.很显然,敌人不打算求和。8.It is hard to imagine how Edison managed to work twenty hours each day.很难想象爱迪生为何能够每天工作二十小时。9.It's hard to say。

