英语翻译 银行信贷管理英文视频


英语翻译 For a long time,because of the planned economy system and the allocation of funds,China's commercial banks of credit risks of a lack of strict financial and scientific management control,and no strict implementation of the international banking industry generally follow the unified credit authorization system,departments,All branches of the same customer credit separately,this division of foreign currency credit,loans,discount,acceptance,guarantee,letter of credit,such as credit spread.As a result,letters of credit under a large number of advances and losses;banks can not understand and control of a single corporate customer credit risk;the risk of excessive concentration;non-performing assets ratio is too high;so that commercial banks suffered heavy losses;to the bank

今天收到广发银行的消息,据人民银行《征信业管理条例》规定,个人信贷记录需如实报送人民银行金融信用信 这个就是对您进行提醒,平时要按期按时还款,没有其他的含义了。你应该是有信用卡或申请了贷款,要不也不会对你进行提醒呀。因为《征信管理条例》规定了要对借款人进行提醒,避免借款人不知道情况的条件下发生逾期,这样的话人民银行数据库里面会有记录,对以后申请信用卡和贷款什么的会有不好的影响。

中国建设银行信贷风险管理研究 这句话用英文怎么翻译正确? The Study of Credit Risk Management for the China Construction Bank或:The Study on the Management of Credit Risk for the China Construction Bank或:The Study on the Credit Risk Management of the China Construction Bank都可以啊,请选择一个您喜欢的吧


