中福会少年宫合唱启蒙 汤灿2010年上海公益演唱会的歌曲曲目


的歌词全文 For the beauty of the earth,For the beauty of the skies,For the love which from our birthOver and around us lies,over and around us lies:Lord of all,to thee we raiseThis our joyful hymn of praise.For the beauty of each hourOf the day and of the night,Hill and vale and tree and flower,Sun and moon and stars of light:Lord of all,to thee we raiseThis our joyful hymn of praise.For the joy of human love,Brother,sister,parent,child,Friends on earth,and friends above,For all gentle thoughts and mild,For all gentle thoughts and mild:Lord of all,to thee we raiseThis our joyful hymn of praise.For each perfect gift of thineTo our race so freely given,Graces human and divine,Flow'rs(flowers)of earth and buds of heav'n(heaven)(Ah),flow'rs of earth and buds of heav'n(Ah):Lord of all,to thee we raiseThis our joyful hymn of praise.This our joyful hymn of praise.

QL是什么意思? 秋林《潇洒六十分》、《音乐天地》、《缤纷地带》、《秋林有约》以及《娱乐新天地》、《金曲红人馆》和《万千风情》,她就是上海著名主持人秋林。PS:陶喆的《今天没回家》。

中福会少年宫的智乐课如何 非常棒的课程,对孩子看听说、音乐、逻辑、绘画等全面素质的提升都有好处!


