can动物保护组织 保护动物的建议英语



关于野生动物保护的英文演讲 今天很高兴由我来进行演讲.今天我要说的话题是动物.我一直认为动物是人类的朋友,它们不会像人类那么复杂,而且常常给我们带来欢乐.I am very glad to give a speech today.The topic of my speech is the animal.I always think that animals are the friends of mankind.They are not so complicated as human beings,and they can bring us plenty of happiness sometimes.从我小时候起,就一直养着动物.比如猫,狗,鸭子等等.虽然有时候会觉得喂养它们很麻烦,但是每次想到平日里它们带给我全家的快乐,就会觉得很多辛苦都值得.你可以试想,当你拖着疲惫的身子回到家时,狗狗快乐的摇着尾巴向你扑来.那种很温馨的感觉,是只有宠物才能带来的.Since I was a child,I have been keeping animals,such as cats,dogs,ducks and so on.Sometimes I feel a little troublesome to feed them,but everytime I think about the happiness they have brought to my family,I will find that it is worth doing it in spite of so much hard working.You can imagine that,when you come home with your tired body,dogs are rushing at you and swinging their tails happily.That kind of。

关于保护动物的英文名言。 1、Even ferocious beasts,if always kept in cages,will lose their courageous nature.—Tacitus即使是凶猛的野兽,如果总关在笼里,也会失去自己的勇猛本性。塔西佗2、attach equal importance to human rights and animal rights,which should be the consensus of all mankind.—Lincoln,President of the United States我对人权和动物权益一样重视,这也应是全体人类该有的共识。林肯,美国总统3、God's creations,even the lowest animals,are members of the Chorus of Life.I don't like any religion that only caters to human needs and ignores animals like cats and dogs.—Lincoln,President of the United States上帝所创造的,即使是最低等的动物,皆是生命合唱团的一员,我不喜欢只针对人类需要而不顾及猫、狗等动物的任何宗教。林肯,美国总统4、Human love,hope and fear are no different from animals.They are like sunshine,coming from the same origin and landing on the same ground.—John Moore人类的爱,希望和恐惧与动物没有什么两样,他们就像阳光,出于同源,落于同地。约翰·默尔5、A person who is cruel to animals 。


