死亡也是人生经历的一部分英语意思 英语翻译


英语翻译 Life is a train bound for the grave,so we can say that people alive is a kind of experience.Whether you are learning or waste of time,the experience is better.Many people in his life,the pressure.

英语翻译 Life is only a process waiting to die in fact.Know,do not need very many new words to the full easy to watch.

英语翻译 Life is just like a journey.We make acquaintance with different people,go past different scenery,and experience lots of happiness and miseries along the way.If I take my life as a book,maybe this period of time I 've just experienced isnot such a big chapter in my life,but it takes me great efforts to write.I'm so lucky to stay with you all,be friends and study together.I really feel very happy and fortunate.Thank you all for lighting my way,giving me courage and encouraging me to move on.Thanks for teachers' serious directions.Thank you,everyone。I believe/that/all of you will find the sky/where/you can soar with the wind,like eagles。Thanks for listening.“但这一小段的篇章,却占据了我好多页纸”,听上去感觉像嫌人家占得多…于是修改了下;“感谢各位在我的人生里面添加那么多美丽的景色.”感觉像有点把人家都当摆设似的,不太礼貌,所以也改了下…(“/”表示读的时候断句)…其他的就按照意思和致谢词习惯做了些修改,希望帮到你…


