
人教版 小学六年级英语下册 期中考哪几个单元 总共才四个单元。难道考前三个?期末就考第四单元? 人教版 小学六年级英语下册 期中考哪几个单元 总共才四个单元。难道考前三个?期末就考第四单元?第3个单元 人教版小学英语三年级下册期中试卷 三年级就不好好学习 那以后真么办?考大学你也上网上收?三年级 好好学还可以追上别人 在说初中还能在学 真不行就把它下 以后好好学就ok了!加油吧! 小学三年级英语下册期中考试题(人教版)拜托各位大神 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1、A.girl B.great C.where()2、A.this B.fish C.that()3、A.draw B.my C.boy()4、A.father B.woman C.brother()5、A.one B.eleven C.five()6、A.lock B.ten C.goose()7、A.she B.he C.TV()8、A.really B.funny C.two()9、A.ice-cream B.big C.watch()10、A.ant B.apple C.egg 二、听音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)()1、A.Nice to meet you,too.B.Nice to meet you,again.()2、A.I'm from China.B.I'm from America.()3、A.This is my friend,Amy.B.That is my brother,Tom.()4、A.Let's fly a kite.B.I have a new kite.()5、A.Touch your eyes.B.Touch your nose.三、判断句子是否与所听内容一致,相同打“√”,不同的打“×”。(10分)()1、I love my father.()2、Look at me.()3、What a big fish!()4、What's in your box!()5、Count from 1 to 15.四、听音,给下列句子排序。(10分)()Give me one,please.()Thanks.()How many apples do you pick up?()Ok,here you one.()Sixteen.笔试部分 一、写出下列单词的汉语意思。(10分)1.boy 2.father 3.sister 4.friend ... 三年级科学期中试卷 2007—2008学年度第一学期期中检测小学三年级科学(教科版)试题 一、我会填空(共20分)1、植物都有、。2、植物是有生命的,也经历了从()到()的过程。3、两个 2012年秋季最新人教版小学三年级英语有 期中考试吗? 有呀,怎么可能没有 小学三年级下册数学期中试卷及答案 一、判断题(每道小题 4分 共 12分)1.(1)一年中有7个月是大月,5个月是小月.()(2)96年是闰年,有366天.()2.(1)290÷40=6…50()(2)625÷525×5()3.(1)两个最小的两位数的积... 小学6年级上英语期中考试试卷(人教版) 1、a p ce of 2、a b of 3、go ice sk_ting 4、t_ke 5、a r ll of 6、nce a week 7、s_bway 8、c_nd 9、toilet p_per 10、s_p ()1.A:Good morning!B:_ A.Good afternoon B.Good morning C.Good evening ()2.A:What’s your name?B:_name is Tim. A.My B.I C.Your ()3.“铅笔在哪里?应怎样说-- A.What is your pencil?B.Who is your pencil?C.Where is your pencil?()4.“那个女孩是谁?应是. A.How is that girl?B.Who is that girl?C.What is that girl?()5.A:Do you have an eraser?B:Yes._. A.I do.B.I don’t C.I did ()6.A:What are you going to buy?B:I’m going to buy A.a bag of chips B.a bar of soap C.a pair of socks ()7.A:How do you get to the park?B:I take a A.taxi B.bus C.bike ()8.A:How often do you go dancing?B:_ A.Once a month B.Three times a month C.Twice a month ()9.A:He likes. A.swim B.swimming C.swims ()10.A:How does he usually get to school?B:He_the bike to school. A.rides B.ride C.riding 1.purse 2.go hiking 3.hear 4.take the subway 5.a bag of chips 6.a roll of toilet paper 7.chai My name is Tony.... 人教版 小学六年级英语下册 期中考哪几个单元 总共才四个单元。难道考前三个?期末就考第四单元? 第3个单元 人教版三年级下册英语期中试卷在哪里 高分100分求小学四年级英语上,下学期期中试卷,三年级和四年级下学期期末我给你题目啊…都会换.一学期都会换一次.额.我想说一句话 哪有人教版小学三年级英语下册期中测试题 pep小学英语三年级下册期中测试卷试题 2010-03-05 08:53:53 阅读1278 评论1 字号:大中小一.给大写字母写出小写,小写字母写出大写。(10分) 1.j 2.F 3.Q 4.y 二.连线。(12分) milk monkey ball dog elephant go to bed 三、选择合适的单词,把序号填在横线上。(15分) A.skipping B.lunch C.time D.doll E.meat 1.My favourite toy is a_. 2.I don’t like swimming,I like_. 3.-Do you like fish?No,I like_. 4.I have_at 12:00. 5.-What’s the_?It’s half past six. 四.选择正确的单词写在四线三格内。(15分) bananas book girl fish dog 五、问与答,连连看。(15分) 1.Who’s this boy?A.Nice to meet you,too. 2.Nice to meet you.B.She’s my mother. 3.Who’s this woman?C.He’s my father. 4.Let’s watch TV.D.My brother. 5.Who’s that man?E.Great!六、单选。(15分) ()1.I_TV at nine o’clock. A.what B.watch ()2.-Does Tingting like meat?A.Yes,she does B.Yes,she like ()3.I like table tennis,but Tom_football. A.like B.likes ()4.I_like morning exercises. A.doesn’t B.don’t ()5.-What are they?A.It’s a panda.B.They...


