武术节英文武术的英文翻译 中国武术用英语怎么说


英语翻译 China is a country with a long history,has a lot of traditional culture.For example,calligraphy,poetry,martial arts,etc.Many,many.Among them,my favorite is a paper-cut.Paper-cutting is a kind of ancient Chinese folk art,generally with red paper cut,because red represents happiness in China.At the feast or the wedding festival,people put the beautiful colorful paper-cutting stick on the wall of white or bright window,door,superior lanterns and festive atmosphere was rendered very rich festival.I will also paper-cut,is my grandmother taught me,paper-cut is one of my hobbies.This is one of my picture,it's a dragon in legend a fetish,it took me three days to produce it,I don't think it's for me to be a very good work.I will continue to work hard,thank you.

中国功夫 用英文 怎么说 中国功夫用英文翻5261译:Chinese kungfu重点4102词汇:Chinese读音:英[?t?a?'ni?z]美[?t?a?'ni?z]释义:n.中国人1653;汉语adj.中国的;中国人的;汉语的词汇搭配:Chinese dragon 麒麟Chinese character processing software 汉字处理软件.Chinese character information processing 汉字信息处理.Chinese checkers 跳棋例句:The Chinese eat with chopsticks.中国人用筷子吃饭。扩展资料:Chinese近义词:yellow释义:adj.黄色的n.黄色;蛋黄;黄种人v.(使)变黄语法:adj.(形容词)yellow的基本意思是“黄色的”,指某物体呈现出黄颜色,或指人的皮肤是黄色的,即“黄皮肤的”,此时常含有轻蔑的意味。yellow还可指“胆怯的”。yellow修饰press,newspaper,journal,journalist,editor等词时,表示“故意制造耸人听闻而常常歪曲事实的”意思,但“黄色电影〔小说、书刊〕”等不可用yellow修饰,而用blue。

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