音响调音师用英文怎么说音响调音师用英语 音响调音师Sound tuner英[?tju:n?]美[?tun?,?tju-]n.无线电收音机;调音师;
‘’调音师‘’英文的缩写是什么? ’调音师‘’的英文是 tuner,尚未见通行的缩写。钢琴调音师有专门的名称:Registered Piano Technician(RPT,注册钢琴调音师),也有用 Piano Tuner-Technician(PTT,钢琴调音师)的。供参考。
英语翻译 Life there are many possible人生有很多种可能,Failure is the success of the pianist perhaps tuner;失败的钢琴家说不定是成功的调音师;The surface of the waiter may smile apa heart very dirty;表面微笑的服务员或许疲于应付内心肮脏无比;Masked in human no threat before the weak can remove to guard against the trust;带着面具的人类在毫无威胁的弱者面前可以百分信任卸下防备;We are doing all kinds of the ostrich move but to think that clever我们做着各种掩耳盗铃的举动却自认为高明(可以吗,