大学期间“一次通过国家英语四级考试”用英语怎么说? 一次又一次的考试英语


“一次又一次的考试,使得我们都非常厌倦”用英语怎么写 The The examination again and again,making us all very tired 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 医疗 科学 汉语 英文 问问 学术 更多?。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

求“ 我所经历过的最难忘的一次考试” 英语作文,120个英文, An Unforgettable ExamAs you know,is a very important subject.Because it is a foreign language,it is much difficult to learn.So many of us pay attention to than Chinese.But I knew it is wrong from a test which I will never forget.It was an exam of Chinese.Everyone in our class had got an ugly mark because of our smart Chinese teacher.She found our attitude in learning Chinese,and she knew that she should do something to change it before it was to late.So she made a special text to alarm us.It was effective.After that exam,all of us pay attention to Chinese than ever before.As our mother language,Chinese still has a lot of things which we should learn.

大学期间“一次通过国家英语四级考试”用英语怎么说? 共6 ACCA又分为机考和笔试,现在的知识课程和应用课程(F阶段)为机考,战略课程(P阶段)目前只能笔试,但两者都是英文的。不过大家也不要对英语有太大的恐惧感,ACCA。


