英文概括小木偶匹诺曹的故事 Once upon a time there was an old carpenter named Gabby,his family was very poor,almost every day,do not have enough to eat.One day,he made a puppet with a piece of wood,the puppet one done will speak,but also to call him father,the old carpenter was very glad,and gavethe little puppet named Pinocchio.The old carpenter their only broken cotton padded clothes to sell,buy a book,giving Pinocchio the money,the pen and the bag,then let Pinocchio go to school.On the way to school,Pinocchio met a lame Fox and a blind cat,they let Pinocchio put the book,pen,and sell the bags,and then in order to get money to send Pinocchio to hang,latera fairy saved Pinocchio's life.Pinocchio has always wanted to be a good boy,but he is very naughty,and very curious,couldn't resist temptation,so often deceived,but also often lie,but after many hardships,Pinocchio eventually become a real good child.从前有一个老木匠叫盖比都,他家里非常穷,几乎每天都吃不饱饭。有一天,他用一块木头做了一个木偶,这个木偶。
莪想知道[木偶皮诺曹]的具体故事。 老木匠樱桃师傅不知怎么找到一段木头。这段木头又会哭,又会笑,像个娃娃似的。樱桃师傅把他那段木头送给老朋友杰佩托。杰佩托要把这段木头刻个呱呱叫的木偶,又会跳舞,又会耍剑,还会翻跟头。杰佩托一回家,马上动手做木偶,给他取名叫皮诺曹。木偶最初的几桩恶作剧。皮诺曹和会说话的蟋蟀的故事。从这个故事可以看到,坏孩子不爱听比他懂得多的人的劝告。皮诺曹肚子饿。他想找个鸡蛋煎来吃。可他正在兴高采烈的时候,煎鸡蛋打窗口飞出去了。皮诺曹把脚搁在火盆上睡觉了,第二天早晨醒来,两只脚都烧掉了。杰佩托回家。这可怜人把带回来准备自己吃的早饭给了皮诺曹。杰佩托给皮诺曹重新做了一双脚,还卖掉自己的短上衣,给皮诺曹买回来一本识字课本。皮诺曹卖掉了他的识字课本去看木偶戏。木偶们认出了他们的兄弟皮诺曹,隆重地欢迎他。可正在最热闹的时候,来了木偶戏班班主吃火人。皮诺曹九死一生,幸免于难。吃火人大打喷嚏,饶了皮诺曹的命。皮诺曹后来又救了他的朋友花衣小丑,使他逃出虎口。木偶戏班班主吃火人送给皮诺曹五个金币,叫他带回家给他爸爸杰佩托。可皮诺曹上了狐狸和猫的当,跟了它们走。皮诺曹由于不听会说话的蟋蟀的忠告,落到了杀人强盗手里。强盗继续。