一个英语造句题 你应该怎么样英语造句


英语造句:我们在什么地方应该怎么样做 where we are and what we should do/what to do 我们在什么2113地方应该怎5261么样4102做(这个1653应该正宗了吧·)Where we should to do what 我们在什么地方应该怎么样做(这个是在线翻译,但是咋感觉不是那个味捏·)We are on the table should comply with the table manners 我们在餐桌上应该遵守餐桌礼仪We should be hiding in the corner of the earthquake comes 我们在地震来临时应该躲在墙角We should be disciplined in public places 我们在公共场所应该遵守纪律这些是根据意思造的句子·希望对你有帮助哦~_^

英语你怎么造句 很多,例举几个:You speak too fast for me,Bob.对我而言你说得太快了,鲍勃。This is just between you and me.这是仅止于你我之间的秘密。All you know is how they respond.你知道的就是他们如何反应。I wonder whether you can help me.我想知道你们是否能帮助我。Could you describe the man for me?您能给我描述一下那个人吗?You know yourself better than I do.你应该比我要更了解你自己。Yes.Can you hear she is screaming?是的,你能听到她在尖叫了吗?Yes,you should talk to his doctor.是的,你应该和他的医生交流。Would you come to my birthday party?你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?I apprehend no such danger with you.我明白你不会有这样的危险。Criminal:Yes,would you hold my hand?犯人:有,你能握住我的双手吗?You can do special exercises for this.你可以为此做些特别的练习。And above all,remember you are loved.最重要的是,记住,你被爱包围。You must endeavor to improve your work.你必须努力改进自己的工作。I hear you watched TV yesterday evening.我听说你昨天晚上看电视了。Do you have to cart the bag round。

用英语造句\ What are you going to do today?


