战士联盟(league+of+fighters) 11年有什么好看的科幻片?


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谁给我推荐几部好莱坞最新电影。动作的。科幻的都行。不要惊悚的 神力女超人 Wonder Woman(2011)X战警前传:万磁王 X-Men Origins:Magneto(2011)美国正义联盟 Justice League:Mortal(2011)机器人跆拳V Robot Taekwon V(2011)赐予者 The Giver(2011)第七矿区 7(2011)保罗Paul(2011)牛仔和外星人 Cowboys and Aliens(2011)科洛弗档案2 Untitled J.J.Abrams Cloverfield Sequel(2011)基地Foundation(2011)洛杉矶之战 Battle:Los Angeles(2011)美丽新世界 Brave New World(2011)绿灯侠 Green Lantern(2011)源代码 Source Code(2011)X战警:初级 X-Men:First Class(2011)黑湖妖谭 Creature from the Black Lagoon(2011)永世之战 The Forever War(2011)变形金刚3 Transformers:Dark of the Moon(2011)钢铁苍穹 Iron Sky(2011)异形前传 Untitled Alien Prequel(2011)高层建筑 High Rise(2011)机器人起义生存指南 How to Survive a Robot Uprising(2011)第二起源 Segon origen(2011)铁甲钢拳 Real Steel(2011)杀戮都市(上)Gantz:Part 1(2011)乘客Passengers(2011)忧郁症 Melancholia(2011)关键第四号 I Am Number Four(2011)超级8 Super 8(2011)地心历险记2 Journey 2:The Mysterious Island(2011)隔绝The Divide(2011)雪兽Snow Beast(2011)星痕。

action 52的官方游戏手册(中英对照) Action 521 Fire Breathers 火焰喘息者It's the last of the dragon wars.You must kill the dragon riders in the midnight skies and bring victory to the kingdom.最后的龙战争,你必须在午夜的天空下消灭龙骑士,为王国争取胜利。2 Star-Evil 星鬼The star gets brighter until there is no night.Then the fire creatures come out to rule and defeat you but kill them all and bring back the light.星星变得越来越亮直到黑夜消失。随即火焰生物出来统治并攻击你,把它们消灭干净才能带回光明。3 Illuminator 点灯人The Illuminator must find his sister in the dark.He must also find batteries if his get weak and can use a special spotlight to kill the enemies.Can also get additional flashlights,but he must be careful of enemies like shadows,vampires and others.点灯人需要在黑暗中找到他的妹妹。如果他的能力变弱还必须找到电池,使用特殊点光源消灭敌人。也可得到附加光线,但小心像影子、吸血鬼之类的敌人。4 G-Force Fighters G-战士Watch your fuel level.Use it wisely and escape the force that holds you.The enemies 。


