中文译英文 一颗简单的头脑英文翻译


英语翻译 However,people thought I was Simple-minded until they discovered I had artificial intelligence.I would love to connect people who cannot communicate due to the long distance.中文译英文 1.Each of us has a try.2.She is a stupid woman.3.Help yourself to use my books.英语翻译 1.I guess you haven't met yet.2.How long have you been here?3.Let me introduce myself.My name is David Goodman.I am an exchange student from Canada.4.I am a stupid person on the whole.5.Honesty is a good virtue.6.What I can never tolerate is lying to me.7.She is negligent in business and very choosy about dress.8.He looks very appealing and easy-going.考试的话可以拿满分了.英语翻译清晨 早早的起了床.旭日东升,新的一天开始了,好一派祥和而宁静的景象.又是美好的一天。经过一个夜晚的洗理,头脑一片清晰,脑海里只有一个念头:好好学习,天天向上.目的很简单, 英语翻译 1.我要成为名字响彻天堂的天下第一大剑客 I want to be the No.one super swordman whose name can be heard every corner of真是一群头脑简单的家伙。 Such a group of simple-minded guys。英语翻译 翻译需要有如下素质:1.扎实的基本功,英语基础要非常非常的好.2.头脑反应要快,要抓住被译者思想的精髓,有的时候甚至要冒着风险对语言进行过滤,这个需要魄力,也需要勇气,更需要精切的判断力.3.对专业术语掌握要精通.4.


