翻译你成为了中国文化讲解员 专业是翻译可以当英语老师吗?


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帮我翻译:谢谢了 Tourism is considered to be one of the three sunrise industry in the 21st century.The Chinese nation is a vast land,has the abundant tourism resources,every year attracts many exotic culture,appreciate to explore exotic visitors.JunWei towering mountains,beautiful varied rivers,but visitors to see,FangGu,LanSheng exploration,.Let the world know China a many.Tourism is also a special social activity,it includes food,shelter and transportation,traveling,shopping and amusing six factors.Among them,the purpose and swim is tourism core essential factor.Today international tourism are the most commonly used communicative language is English.And to put our country's long history culture spread to foreign tourists,first will face tourist attractions translation issue.A master of language LvShuXiang said that translation is the door,and tourist translation miscellaneous learn genuine\"miscellaneous learning\",not only to solid language skills,still need BoGuTongJin knowledge accumulation。.


