有首歌歌词为(再美的风景,想和你一起好像无),歌名叫什么 漫游-邓杰你说2113要到夏威夷的海滩去吹晚5261风风中隐约的吉他声4102是一个旅人诉说的梦你说台北依然1653爱下雨 伦敦依然太拥挤不如去巴黎 听说那里有迷人的天气西伯利亚还冷吗 爱琴海的浪花还美吗Tokyo的樱花开了吗我就是想和你一起去旅行看遍全世界所有的风景其实风景再美也比不上你清澈的眼睛我就是想和你一起捕捉一路上留下的点点滴滴在我们老了以后 还能常常去回忆
全世界前十位最美的海滩? I soon fell in love at homeHome is warm,is a beautiful symbol,but also warm.Home is our haven,so that we parked.Regardless of the hurricane,but always at home,to find warmth and hope,at home,there is always light a lamp for you,then dim the lights,though dark,but firm,bright,is our motivation.Courage to face our difficulties,setbacks,failures.everyone has a home,and everyone will love his own home,therefore,I am no exception.I love my family there are many reasons,the main reason is that my parents and family environment.\"Soon fell in love\"This is,indeed,that all right,whether it is still the same people dead,as long as you face over time,will have deep feelings.Unconsciously,I have lived in my home for several years,where my beloved parents,the most familiar environment,but also saved me years of story.展开
全世界最受欢迎的海滩是哪个? 1-塞舌尔群岛2 –马尔代夫3-塔希提岛,波拉波拉4 –纽约汉普敦5 –夏威夷拉尼凯海滩 百慕大群岛的粉沙6 –美国马萨诸塞州南塔克特岛 7-澳大利亚弗雷泽岛 8-圣巴特岛9-马来西亚兰卡威 10-夏威夷拉奈海湾