形容跑得快的句子有哪些? 你是叫 跑快了就i


形容跑得快的词语有哪些 1、【成2113语】:健步如飞【拼音】:jiàn bù rú fēi【解5261释】:健步4102:脚步快而有力。步伐矫健,跑得1653飞快。【出处】:清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·凤阳士人》:“丽人牵坐路侧,自乃捉足,脱履相假。女喜着之,幸不凿枘,复起从行,健步如飞。2、【成语】:快马加鞭【拼音】:kuài mǎ jiā biān【解释】:跑得很快的马再加上一鞭子,使马跑得更快。比喻快上加快,加速前进。【出处】:宋·陆游《村居》诗:“生僧快马随鞭影,宁作痴人记剑痕。3、【成语】:一日千里【拼音】:yī rì qiān lǐ【解释】:原形容马跑得很快。后比喻进展极快。【出处】:《庄子·秋水》:“骐、骥、骅、骝,一日而驰千里。《史记·刺客列传》:“臣闻骐骥盛壮之时,—日而驰千里;至其衰老;驾马先之。4、【成语】:风驰电掣【拼音】:fēng chí diàn chè【解释】:驰:奔跑;掣:闪过。形容非常迅速,象风吹电闪一样。【出处】:《六韬·龙韬·王翼》:“奋威四人,主择材力,论兵革,风驰电掣,不知所由。5、【成语】:快步流星【拼音】:kuài bù liú xīng【解释】:形容步子跨得大,走得快。【出处】:单田芳《燕王扫北》第三十二回:“又等了一会儿。

跑得快用英语怎么说?run fast 还是 run quickly? 跑得快用英语表示run fast 和 run quickly都可以。解释:run fast 英[r?n fɑ:st]美[r?n f?st][词典]跑得快;[例句]Can you run fast?Yes,I can.你能跑得快吗?是的,我能。run quickly 英[r?n ?kw?kl?]美[r?n ?kw?kl?][词典]奔;驱;奔驰;奔驶;[例句]That the build and unit tests can be run quickly and completely in the developer's environment.构建和单元测试能够在开发人员的环境中迅速地和完全地运行。

《斑马快跑》片尾曲叫什么名字? 这个吗?但找不到下载啊It Ain't Over Yet-Bryan AdamsTurn me loose-it's now or neverFeel like I could run foreverA new day's come-a new moon's risin'I take my chances on the blue horizonA leap of faith-a shot of spiritFreedom's callin'-I can hear itHold on tight-we're gonna get thereIt's time we're on our wayIt ain't over yet-you can lay your betNow nothin's in my way-you ain't seen nothin' yetI have learned to fly-hold my head up highSomethin' I don't want you to forgetIt ain't over yet,it ain't over yetI was born to run-born to rambleAny prize's a worth a gambleSometimes I get the urge to wonderCuz I'm a child of the wild blue yonderFill our hands-the sky's the limitThe race is on-we have to win itHold on tight-we're gonna get thereIt's time we're on our wayIt ain't over yet-you can lay your betNow nothin's in my way-you ain't seen nothin' yetI have learned to fly-hold my head up highSomethin' I don't want you to forgetIt ain't over yetHow ya gonna 。

