英语翻译 不是因为他们没有爱心英文



英语翻译 From she was 12 up until she passed away at the age of 87,she had always lived for those who were suffering.Since the dawn of time,there have been many generous and wealthy souls who donated funds to help the poor,but she is not one of them.Not only did she not leave a penny for herselve,she never made any money nor attempted to raise funds;she's not a regular philanthropist,because her goal wasn't just to help provide the poor with food and clothes,nor the sick and victims of disaster with medical aid.Her goal was to bring love to these people in pain,and let them hold on to their diginty and experience the feeling of being loved.For this,she was willing to kneel down in front of these people;she was determined to serve the poor,and so she first became the poor,giving up a quiet and comfortable life as a nun and teacher.She donned the clothes of the poverished,and walked head on into the slums,refugee camps,and places where many sick and ill patients with contagious diseases lay.Her 。

英语翻译蓝色妖姬的传说 从前有一个男孩,他住在森林深处.他的房子外面,有一个园子,里面种满各种各样,不同颜色的玫瑰.男孩很爱他的玫瑰.每天,他都会用爱心和它们谈话,把开心的和不开心的事都告诉它们.唯一遗憾的是,这么多的玫瑰之中,却没有长出蓝色的玫瑰,因为蓝玫瑰是这个世界上最珍贵,美丽的.他将把这种花送给自己最心爱的女孩.男孩心想,如果能够长出蓝玫瑰,那他就是最幸福的人了.有一天,男孩在森林里看见一

