

帮忙翻译一下关于固定资产折旧的英文 Fixed asset depreciation method choice and to enterprise tax payment influenceStarts according to January 1,2007 to execute\"Business accounting Criterion\",Our country Enterprise may select depreciation method including age limit method of average,work mensuration,double remaining sum decreasing progressively law and year number method of summation and so on.The enterprise uses the different depreciation method to be possible to cause the booth sales volume which each time the fixed asset amortizes to be different,thus influence enterprise's dutiable obtained,then influence assessed income tax.This article unifies\"Business accounting newly Criterion\"income tax accountant processes the request,elaborated in detail several kind of commonly used computation fixed assets amortize the method and the tax payment preparation,and give an example the analysis enterprise to use under the different depreciation method the assessed income tax difference.

谁有固定资产折旧方法的英文文献啊? 毕业论文要用,邮箱haohao5563@163.com ACCA准则,和国内会计制度不同,你要哪个?另外折旧方法不会影响所得税,不管你用什么方法折旧,在所得税汇算清缴的时候,折旧都按。

固定资产折旧如何计算?固定资产折旧的巧算方法 固定资产折旧的计算有四种方法,但是书上列举的公式都太繁琐,小编给大家分享一些固定资产折旧的巧算方法: 固定资产折旧 方法/步骤 1 现在小编给大家列举一个例子来说明:。

