水仙茶怎么冲泡 水仙茶 英语


红茶、绿茶、黄茶、青茶、黑茶、白茶的英文叫法是什么?? 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 黑茶是 dark tea 乌龙/青茶 Oolong tea 黄茶,yellow tea 白茶 white tea 扩展资料:茶叶品种 根据陈宗懋主编《中国茶经》的分类法,分为:。

初中情景对话翻译成英语 A:hello。e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333337626163B:hello。A:from the China Xiaohua?B:Yes.A:where are you from China?B:from Xiamen(Amoy),you are in Tokyo.A:Yes,I live in Edo Sichuan district.Is there any special product in Xiamen?B:Yes,tea is very famous.A:what kind of tea?B:it is called(Dahongpao)Dahongpao tea,especially expensive.A:is it?Have you ever had that kind of tea?B:oh,my God,are you kidding me?Too expensive to drink at all.(too.To)A:how much is it?B:5 grams of 1 million yen(yen)A:that's too expensive.B:what kind of tea is famous in Japan?A:the Japanese drink a lot of tea,the most famous is Japanese tea,Japanese tea with called tea green.B:the British people love to drink tea green.A:you know,the British people will put sugar in tea green.B:really?A:British people they put the sweet,we don't put the Japanese sweet.But the Japanese will use tea green to make dim sum.What tea do you drink?B:I drink tea(shuixiancha)A:Narcissus tea?Do not know,。

请教生意经,求水仙茶与乌龙茶的英文名称 水仙茶的英文名称?Narcissustea{水仙茶}乌龙茶的英文名称?Oolongtea{乌龙茶}

#水仙茶怎么泡才正确#水仙茶几秒出汤#水仙茶种植方法#水仙茶价钱#水仙茶 英语

