谁能告诉我现在完成时、过去完成时的肯定句、疑问句用法? 现在完成时的信号词为 已经肯定句


英语中现在完成时中的already,yet,recently等词的具体用法 already用在肯定句中,在变否定句和疑问句时得把already变成yet置于句末.

英语谁给我20个现在完成时肯定句的例句? 1.The students have read about twenty novels in the past three years.2.I have my homework finished.3.He has painted the front door green.4.I've written an article.5.It has been raining these days.6.I have come from Shanghai.(从上海来)7.You've read very well.(强调一次刚完成的动作)8.I have forgotten.(仍没想起来,可能已回忆起来了)9.The book has been written in simple English.(表动态,已用英语写成)10.Every time I have seen him,he's been reading.(强调两个动作同时进行)11.He has gone.(强调动作和时间)12.He won't come till the play has begun.(戏已开始)13.After I have left school,I'll go to college.(强调毕业后,两个动作可能有间隔)14.It's been a long time since I saw you last.15.Where have you been?(去了哪)16.He has lived in New York for eight years.17.He has been called a thinker.18.You've heard what I said.(你听见我的话了)19.I've seen him this morning.(还在上午的时间里)20.I've lost my pen.(笔还没找到)

现在完成时的句子 现在完成时的用法简单说是-完了,结果.肯定句1 She has written the letter.她刚写完信.2 I have eaten the cake.我刚刚吃完蛋糕.3 I have finished my homework.我刚刚做完了我的家庭作业.4 They have left just a minute ago.他们一分钟前刚离开.5 I have got a cold.我感冒了.否定句1 she hasn't come yet.她还没来.2 They haven't finshed the job yet.她们尚未完成该项工作.3 I have not seen the the movie yet.我还没有去看那部电影.4I haven't eaten yet.我还没有吃.5 The rain hasn't stopped yet.雨还没有停.疑问句1 Have you had lunch yet?你吃过午饭了吗?2 Have they got there already?他们到达那儿了吗?3 Has it stopped raining yet?雨停了没有?4 How long have you lived here 你住在这里多久了?5 How long has she died?她去世多久了?就是这些了,

#现在完成时的信号词为 已经肯定句

