英语翻译 我认为是成都翻译


我认为我们不是很适合.翻译 I don't think we suit each other.

英语翻译 1 a:hi,Jim2你好,peter.你好吗?2 hello,Peter.How are you?1还不错,是个好天气,不是吗?1 is good,is a good weather,isn't it?2当然,可惜现在的成都很难看见像今天这么好的天气了.2 and,of course,but now it is very difficult to see the chengdu as today so good weather.1为什么?1 why?2因为现在的环境污染太严重,特别是大气污染For now the pollution of the environment is very serious,especially the atmospheric pollution1是啊,我想如果我们能节约资源,减少浪费,或许环境就会好起来A yes,I think if we can save resources,reduce the waste and perhaps environment will be better2不,我不这样认为,因为像你说的那样对环境依然有很大污染2 don't,I don't think so,because as you said that to still have a great environmental pollution1也许吧,那你觉得我们该怎么做呢?1 perhaps,that you think we should do?2我想我们可以改变生活方式,改用清洁能源,我相信只要我们努力尝试,完全依靠清洁能源,就可以从根本上解决环境污染问题.2 I think we can change the way of life,to switch to clean energy,I believe that as long as we try hard with 。

你认为成都的天气如何?帮我翻译一下,谢谢 What What is the weather like in Chengtu?What do you think of the weather of Chengdu 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 医疗 科学 。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号


