上海建筑报告 求参观上海建筑实习报告


哪位会用PHTOSHOP,帮我做一个苏州、杭州、上海建筑认识与调查实习报告的封面,谢谢! 我已经弄好发送给你了 杭州,回来写实习报告、世博会、西湖,题目是“苏杭沪建筑认识与调查实习报告”。谢啦O(∩_∩)O~ 我的QQ是672581683,都行,刚刚去苏州,简单点就好。

老上海石库门建筑考察报告 (题目也翻一下) China's vast territory,history Youyuan,throughout the natural and human environment may be different,hence the diversity of Chinese residential building in the world history of relatively uncommon.The Chinese nation is a nation with a long history and the very large number of countries,in a few thousand years of history and culture in the process of accumulation of the rich and varied experience in residential construction,agricultural society in the long,the productivity level is relatively backward,people in order to obtain satisfactory The habitat environment for the simple concept of ecology,natural and conform to the most convenient way to create a pleasant living environment.The combination of China's residential nature,combining climate,according to local conditions and the psychological effects of rich and extraordinary aesthetic conception.Chinese living around the building,also known as residential areas.Residential building is the most basic type of construction,there。

求“上海建筑认识实习报告” 同学,就3000字就找人代写,你自己又不是没去过,你自己的体验你讲不出来吗?只要把你在上海看的,遇到的,感悟到的写下来,再到网上搜一下上海的建筑,来风俗等等的资料,这些加在一起很容易就到3000了。顺便再贴几张图片,不想贴图片或者不让贴图片,你自己就手绘几张简单点的建筑速写图,可大可小,老师一看就知道你源自己思考过了,这才是老师想看到的,我估计老师不想看一些欺骗的东西。我们当年去西安的时候就写了5000字(附照片)有手绘,有打印的小图,刚开始觉得很难写,可是写着写着就很容易了。因为你去过,你在那里有过感悟,你的想法对与错都可以说出来,在建筑上没有真正的对错之分。我们老师就觉得我说的很错,因为我觉得西安的建筑老是弄得很复古是无聊的事情,(有一个建筑是我老师上研究生的时候的导师做的,呵呵呵)。总之zd啊,这篇论文我觉得你还是自己写吧。咱学建筑的人应该有自己的观点。与君共勉吧!


