写一篇关于世界那么大,我想去看看的作文 网上刚刚传出女大老师神简洁的辞职信,一句\"世界很大,我想去e68a8462616964757a686964616f31333365663434看看\"让多少人为之倾倒,让多少人知道了自己成人的初衷。人不是机器,我们有感情,有记忆,有着无与伦比的创造力。古人都知道\"读万卷书,不如行万里路\",我们有着新科技和新环\\\\境,有什么理由不去看看世界。人活在世上不是简单的为了生存下去繁衍后代,生存只是一个方面 是基础。但更重要的是干你想干的事,随心所欲才是快乐。符合你的心才是最重要的。有的人穷尽一生,却没有做过一件真正让自己满意的事,只是在各种各样的压力下,如同木偶般的过着行尸走肉般的生活。从来不能按自己的意愿而过,从未有过说走就走的旅行。这样的人生有意义吗。你的人在这里辛辛苦苦的工作,难道心也跟着麻木了吗?真的没有一点青春的年少热血了吗?你真的愿意一生中就在新闻里看着别人到处飞而没有一点想法吗?心不在此,何不放开你的心,让它去自由的飞翔。天改变不了你的志向,地也无法动摇你的决心。我们走在一条充满了迷雾的道路上,我们只能用心去走,跟随着自己的心,一路走到底。让说走就走成为你的个性,让心随你飘扬,让你的心在麻木的人群中发光,告诉他们\"心是用来飘。
我想写一篇英语作文,作文的要求如下: 1.众所周知世界人口在 1.It is well known that the population of the world is growing day by day;and such a large population has to be fed with sufficient fresh water.2.Along with the rapid development of industries,lots of harmful gases and liquids were produced,causing water pollution.Being fresh,lots of water resources were no longer able to be consumed.3.Only at this moment did people realize the importance of fresh water.Our human being should have started to actively protect the fresh water resources much earlier.Should we fail to stop polluting the water,we would have not survived this world.How horrifying a scenario we are facing。4.Only by maintaining the fresh water can this world flourish.Who can help me to solve this problem,I will definitely appreciate that。