那首歌曲好听吗? 准确的翻译 版1.Does that song sound nice?权 Is that song pleasing to the ear?2.I think this song sounds better/worse than others.3.The rhythm of this song is pleasant then the other three.4.Do you think this picture is nice?5.This picture is eye-pleasing than the other two.6.This picture is less eye-pleasing than the others.
有哪些中文歌曲是英文翻译过来的?要好听的、经典的。 童年—Days On My Past酸酸甜来甜就是我—Pretty Young Thing挥着翅膀的女孩—Proud Of You第一次爱源的人—百The Day You Went Away遇见—By My Side玫瑰玫度瑰我爱你—Rose Rose I Love You吻别—Take Me To Your Heart寓言—God Rest Ye Merry新鸳鸯蝴知蝶梦—I Can't Let Go柠檬树—Lemon Tree爱不爱我—Do You Love Me Or Not女人花—Yon Don't Live Here Anymore敢爱敢做—Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now半糖主义—Cinderella祝福—If I Could双失道情人节—Give Me Your Love Tonight恋人未满—Brown Eyes
中国歌曲很好听 英语翻译 Chinese songs are nice to listen to.Chinese songs are pleasant to hear.亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!