太空游侠2独立战争 混沌边缘攻略 独立战争2:混沌边缘(又名:太空游侠2 星海枭雄2)游戏过程中报错..求救


战锤全面战争2新手用哪个派系不至于玩得很没有体验感又容易上手,包括凡世帝国。? 1000+小时战役玩家,外加对战云玩家,就按照难度分类吧,版本就到目前的咕噜dlc的内测视频。注意以下内容…

大家对国产游戏都有怎样的期望? 能否请大家聊聊,对国产游戏都有什么样的期望,什么都行,谢谢=第一次问问…

太空游侠2 混沌边缘 第三幕攻略 Act 3 Mission 4-Capture the AcceleratorOverview:Summary:You hear of an allied plan to attack the jump accelerator to the Badlands and to suppress the restocking of the corporation.It is a dangerous plan.1)Return to Base and read email.2)Dock to the mega-transporter that is close to the base of Lucrecia.3)Wait to be transported through the jump accelerator.4)Detach yourself from the mega-transporter.Your wing will emerge with their cargo.5)The Marines will announce that their ship is stuck in its container pod.Look for thecontainer pod and pull it over until the vessel can escape it.6)Escort the Marines to the jump accelerator until they dock to it.NOTE:The death of the Marines means the failure of the mission.7)The Marines will announce that the accelarator has gone into lockdown mode,You will need to take down the field.8)Pass through the jump accelerator to destroy the LDA fields.They are only vulnerable when they appear as individual targets.9)Destroying one 。

#太空游侠2独立战争 混沌边缘攻略

